1. Scope
The scope and intent of our QMS is to define and communicate our commitment to continually enhance customer satisfaction through:
- effective process improvements to all systems of the business;
- to assure conformity to our customer’s and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements;
- provide policies, procedures developed and implemented with the primary focus to assure the continual compliance of the requirements of the International Standard ISO 9001:2015.
The purpose of the Quality Manual is to describe the processes and procedures included within the boundaries of the Quality Management System (QMS) that covers the provision of the metal finishing processes, sub-assembly processes and machining processes for aircraft and industrial components which encompasses the operations at the AAPMC and customer facilities located at Baguio City Economic Zone, Loakan Road, Baguio City. Philippines.
The scope excludes the product design and development activities of components. Since AAPMC is part of a group of companies, some services including payroll, accounts receivables, accounts payable and purchasing are shared services and are not covered in this QMS. The Quality Manual also contains the company policies regarding quality.
AAPMC has determined the boundaries and the applicability of the QMS and how it relates to our Business Core Competency. AAPMC is committed to applying all applicable requirements of the International Standard to the intent and Scope of our QMS.
The Scope of our QMS shall always be available to internal and external parties and maintained as documented information. The QMS was determined, designed and implemented to cover and support the following Processes:
Operations covered by scope of QMS
- Metal Finishing and Deburring
- Sub-assembly of Components
- Machining
Exclusion of the QMS (8.3) - Design and Development of Products and Services